Thursday, August 22, 2013

She Is One Month Old !

Today is Zoey's one month birthday. I cant believe its been a month already. She is growing so fast and learning so much. Zoey can already follow my eyes and voice when I talk to her, She can sleep 5 hours in the night starting yesterday and I can put her in her crib and she will fall asleep without me rocking her. Its amazing how babies learn all this things so fast and how they grow so fast too.
Now that I am getting her on a schedule, I can see the light of the tunnel. I am not that emotional anymore, I can breastfeed her and it wont hurt and I am feeling a lot more confident in becoming the mom Zoey needs me to be.

Anyways here is a video of last night. We keep her up for four hours and she got so tire that she was using her hands to help her g to sleep.

                                                        In here is her one Month Picture

Happy One Month Zoey ! 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Each Day it Gets Better

This week things were a lot better. It seem that I am finally getting the whole thing of been a mom. Zoey finally sleep for FOUR hours and it give me hope that things will get better as she grow and continue to   teach her.
On friday we took my mom to the hot spring lava here in Idaho and while she was enjoying the hot springs pool, Dallin, Zoey and I had a nice picnic. That they was the first day that I got out of the house in a whole week and it felt really good. I have to confess that for a while or since I give birth to Zoey Ive been very emotional for no reason which it makes me believe that I have the "Baby Blues". Sometimes I start crying and I have no reason why I just have the urge to just cry, even when I am laughing. They said its normal for mom to get it but I just wish I would stop being a baby. I am a mom I cant cry only babies cry at least that is what I think when I start crying.

Here are some pictures of this week.

In addition this Sunday we had Zoey's baby blessing and again I cry the whole blessing. It was an amazing experience and I am grateful that I have a husband that is worthy to be able to give her a blessing. 

Here are some of the pictures. 

Over all it has been an amazing week and I am extremely grateful for everything that God has giving me and the opportunity to raise this beautiful child. 

Here is a little pick of one of the outfits that we will be doing for our family picture . Go Seahawks !

Saturday, August 10, 2013

A New Trial ...

So as I had mention before recovery had been hard specially the breastfeeding part, but guess what friends I can breastfeed her and it doesnt hurt anymore! She still want to eat every 2-3 hours but when I am tire i just give her a bottle.  So after almost three weeks she can take a bottle and I can breastfeed her I feel accomplish. 
 But as many mom's know once you get good a something there is another trial that we have to over come. My next trial as a mom is having her sleeping more than three hours.  I cannot seem to get her to sleep more than three hours and at night she is wide awake and in the day she wants to sleep she defiantly has her days and night mixed up. This coming week she will be three weeks and I have decided that is time to train her, so if you have any tips to how to train new borns to sleep through the night please please dont hesitate to share them with me. 

I have to say that I am bless to have a cute little girl, my mom and husband supporting me. Being a mom is not as easy as I though it was going to be. I though being pregnant was hard but man pregnancy is nothing compare to raising a newborn.

                                              Here are some pictures of her second week.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Three Years Ago Today !

Today three years ago Dallin Ask me to married him. It is amazing to me how fast times goes by. That day when he propose I though I loved him with all my heart and that is why I said YES to him, but now I love him even more how is that possible??
 Saying Yes to Dallin has and is been one of my best decision in my life. My life change and I could not be happier. Like any marriage we had our trials  and we continue to have them but does trials make us stronger as a couple and after the trial is done we seem to love each other even more. I am grateful that Heavenly Father  put Dallin in my life and I am also grateful that I married my best friend and after three years my love for him continues to grow.

Here are some pictures from three years ago

It is crazy to think that three years ago I said yes and now we have been married for 2 1/2 years and we have a daughter that pulls her hair when she is starving ..... she is the best daughter when she is feed but if i dont giver her food this is what happens. 

so to help her come down grad-mom thought her to hold her own binky  

I have to say that bringing a child to this world is a lot harder than I though it was going to be but very rewarding specially when she starts to sleep more than 3 hours =) 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Breast Feeding Vs. Pumping

So I have been struggling Breast feeding for many reasons. One it is painful even though its gets better and easier every day. The second reason is because Zoey loves to fall asleep while I breast feed her and she takes over an hour to get full. It is tiring and sometimes i even fall asleep breast feeding her. I would love to breast feed her more often when she is actually awake and willing to eat not just eat for 10 min and fall asleep during dinner time.
Anyways I started pumping and it is not as time consuming, i know exactly how much Zoey is eating and she doesnt fall asleep and I get to sleep a little bit longer. The only problem is that I feel kind off guilty that I am not breast feeding her as often and it kind off breaks my heart. I dont know if is because I am still emotional but every time i think of the fact that I am pumping and not breast feeding her I get extremely emotional. Anyways I am taking day by day and see if Zoey can get a little faster at breast feeding if not pumping has save my life.

In another note, Zoey its two weeks old. She is doing amazing growing fast, eating, sleeping and pooping a lot like any new born.

I love this little girl with all my heart but I wish she will sleep more than 3 hours..... oh guess what friends !!
Did I forgot to mention that I have lost 20 pounds already ....... yes in two weeks I have lost 20 pounds which means I have only 8 more pounds to loose so I can be in my normal weight. Guess that is the only good thing about breast feeding.
Anyways if any of you have any advice about breast feeding please please comment and let me know I take any advice that will help me.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

A new Chapter In My Life !

I am not sure where to begin since its been so long since I actually post something. Lets beginning with the fact that I finally graduate from college with a Business major and emphasis in finance. I have to say that it was a long journey but it was one of the best experience. The feeling of accomplishment and just knowing that i was able to finish something that i put my mine, is an AMAZING feeling. 
During my last semester I was taking 16 credits working 20 hours a week and I was in my 3rd trimester. At first I was not sure if I would be able to do it but thanks to My Heavenly Father I was able to finish my last semester with four A and two B+. In addition, out of the Business management department 5 student were elected to received the Newel K. Award and I was one of them. 

Here is the picture with most of my professors and the five students that were selected. 

Now to the best part of my life !!!! On monday july 22 @ 5:50 am Zoey Love Crane was born. I cant believe I am a mom, nine months felt like forever but now that i go back and think about it the nine months, i cant even remember what i did or even the pain that i went through. 

So on saturday july 20 at 4 am my contraction started . I was able to control them for two days. My contraction were 5-6 min but when i call the hospital they told me they will like them between 2-3 min  so i didnt go to the hospital until sunday night. My mom got here sunday and we went on a 3 mille walk by the temple and by the time i got back i knew it was time to go to the hospital. 

I check in into the hospital they put me in a room and they started all the process. Because the baby was so low the nurse was not able to tell me how dialed i was so she call the doctor. 30 min later Dr. Merrith came in and told me i was dilated almost at 7 and ask me why i didnt come in early. I told him my contraction were not between 2-3 like the nurse wanted. After he check me he  broke my water which was extremely uncomfortable but not to painful. Then we waited for almost four hours and at 4 am i started pushing for an hour and 40 min almost two. I didnt feel much pain because i got the epidural which save my life. I cant believe i was going to go into labor without the epidural what was i thinking. managing contraction with breathing and yoga helps a lot and I  was able to do it for two days but the actually labor there was no way. 
I have to say that it was one of the most amazing experience and I will do it again and again but i hate the recovery. Every one prepares woman for the labor but not for the recovery. 
I have to say that recovery suck and sucks and I hate it and I still do. Breast feeding is more painful that actually labor like i said i will do labor over recovery. I wish someone had told me to prepare for recovery mentally, emotionally and physical. I was extremely sensitive to everything that was happening to me and cry for everything. 

After everything I went through I have the most amazing loving little girl and I love her. Here are some picture 

and This one is my favorite picture ..... every time i see it this picture i realize how bless i am for having the opportunity to raise one of Heavenly Father children and it give me motivation to do the my best for her. 

now that I am free from school, blogging and been a mom is my full time job. So I will be posting more often. =)