Friday, August 20, 2010

"What Have I done for Someone Today ?"

D&C 44:6 "Behold, I say unto you, that ye must visit the poor and the needy and administer to their relief, that they may be kept until all things may be done according to my law which ye have received. Amen." I love this scripture. For my online class that I am taking during the summer, I had to pick a project to do. I decided to share my feelings and experiences that I had in the past as I was serving other people. As I grew up in the church, one of the most important topics that they taught us was service. My mother taught us when we were little that service starts in your family and if you can do that, then you would be able to help others in the times that they are in need. She stated many times that “service starts in your family.” I believe that is true. Once you learn to serve your family, then it is easier to do it with other people. My mom is one of the greatest examples. She would go out of her way for anybody even if she didn't know the person. Let me share a story. About 4 years ago, we were living in an apartment complex and we were neighbors’ with an older lady that had just moved there. One day my mom notice that the new lady would go walking to the store twice a week to get food and she would take the bus everyday to go to work. The grocery store was about 2.5 miles one-way. One day, my mom saw her walking back from the store with a lot of heavy bags, so she stopped and asked her if she could help. Since that day, she would take her to the store twice a week for the next 2 years. They became really good friends and until this day, she is like a grandmother for my sister and I. This is not the only kind of service that my mother does. She is always making sure that my sister, dad, and I have everything we need. She cooks, cleans, and makes us our favorite food just so she can see us happy. I love my mom and because of her, I am the person that I am today. I show that I care for my roommates in different ways. One of the ways is by sometimes cleaning the dishes when they don’t have time to clean them. Also, some of my roommates don’t have cars so I take them to work. I know how important it is to serve others and I have seen the blessings in my life and in the the lives of the ones I have served. President Monson stated, “The Savior taught His disciples, 'For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.' I believe the Savior is telling us that unless we lose ourselves in service to others, there is little purpose to our own lives. Those who live only for themselves eventually shrivel up and figuratively lose their lives, while those who lose themselves in service to others grow and flourish—and in effect save their lives.”

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Listen to Our Songs !

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

PR0P0$@L ! 8-7-10

I am engaged! Dallin Proposed last saturday and I couldn't believe it. That whole week, Dallin was acting really weird and he was not as loving as I usually know him to be. When I asked him what was going on he just told me he had a lot on his mind. I was a little worried because I didn't know what was going on with him. Anyways, the week passed and he told me he waned to take me on a picnic to Mesa Falls. When Saturday came, I ended up going to the temple with my roommates and shopping in Idaho Falls. We had an excellent time. When I came back, I got ready, he picked me up, and we drove for 25 min until we reached our destination. Mesa Falls is located at a higher elevation and it contains lower and higher areas. I loved the place and it was very beautiful. Anyways, he set up the picnic and he got me wheat bread for my sandwhich along with my favorite drink. We decided to lay the blanket out on the table and lay on it side by side for a little bit since there were no patches of grass to lay on. The whole time, he was repeatedly asking me if I wanted to go see the water fall. (so in my mind I figure he was going to propose by the water fall) We decided to go see the water fall and we took a lot of pictures around it. When we finished, we went back to the picnic area. Since he didn't propose at that time, I figured that he was not going to do it that day. By the time we got to the picnic area, it looked like it was going to rain, so I told him we needed to start packing up th picnic items. He then told me that he forgot the desert and that he would be back. while I was finishing packing, I turn around and he was coming towards me with two roses and a large cake. By that time, I was already crying. One of the flowers said "for my best friend" and the other one said "for the one I love." He opened up the cake and on the cake it said "Te quieres casar con migo?" which meant "will you marry me" in spanish. I was then crying more and more and I behind the tears, I asked him if he knew what that meant lol. He then cut out the middle of the cake, pulled out a ring box, opened it up, and asked me if I would marry him. All that I did was continue to cry. By the time I had finished crying, he asked me if that meant yes and I responded "YES!" It was one of the best days I had experienced in my life. I love him so much and I can't wait to grow old with him. It has been the most amazing 10 months. I know that planning the wedding is going to be crazy, but I cant wait.

Monday, August 2, 2010

$UMM3R T!M3....

Finally school finished and it was time for summer. Kellianne, a good friend of mine, came to Rexburg for a weekend with her boyfriend and it was a lot of fun. We went to monkey rock, had dinner, went to a movie, and took a trip to the Idaho Falls temple. It was an amazing time with her. We had an amazing experience at the temple. We have never been to a temple that is as beautiful as the one in Idaho Falls. We immediately felt the sprit as we stepped into the temple and that was when we knew that driving 45 min to get to the temple (including getting lost) was worth it. After the temple, we went to the Monkey Rock and had a picnic.
After Kelli left back to provo on monday, my new roommates (which, by the way, I love them) and went bridge jumping and I loved it. I was so scared that it took me at least 30 minutes before I could jump. I also jumped wrong instead of jumping straight into the water and suffered the consequences. As a result of jumping to the side, I recieved a huge bruise on my right leg. (it was worth it though=))
Anyways, so far, everything is good, I am taking an online class, trying to find a job, and spending time with the love of my life, Dallin. By the way the 29th of july was our 10 month Anniversary. I truly love him and he is very sweet to me.